As mentioned in my previous posts, I will have no access to the internet for the first 8 weeks in Malawi. Which means, I can only be contacted through regular snail mail. Unless it’s an emergency then you may contact: Office of Special Services (OSS) at Peace Corps Washington Phone: 1-800-424-8580, Ext 1470, or 202- …
Monthly Archive: February 2012
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Feb 27 2012
Pre-Service Training (One More Week!)
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Counting down the days reminds me of Europe’s ‘Final Countdown’. I really need to stop counting the days. One more week!!!! I am more nervous of what to wear …
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Feb 25 2012
Getting to Malawi
I am a huge procrastinator! I still don’t have everything that I need. I’m glad I re-read the materials sent to me a few days ago as I failed to see the part: “you will want to make sure to bring a few days worth of clothing in your carry-on luggage, just in case your …
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Feb 24 2012
10 Days Left!!!
Well well well.. It’s been a while since I posted something here. I received my staging materials 2 weeks ago and have received my itinerary for Malawi. I only have 10 days left before I move to the Warm Heart of Africa! Malawi! I have been so busy these past few weeks from: Buying stuff …
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