

Dec 11 2011

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Email From Country Desk Officer

Yesterday, I received an email from the Country Desk Officer for Peace Corps Malawi giving invitees an update.

“Dear Invitees to Peace Corps Malawi—

Congratulations on your invitation and acceptance to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi!  My name is ___________ and I am the Country Desk Officer for Peace Corps Malawi.  Apologies for my lack of communication until now—I have been in Malawi as the Acting Country Director and will likely remain here in that role through December.  The new, permanent Country Director will be in place well before you arrive in March.

If you are receiving this it means that the Country Desk in Washington has received your resume and aspiration statement, and has forwarded the documents to staff in Malawi.  You will be among a training class of 40, but your class will not be completely filled until mid-January, so around that time is when you will receive information about staging in the States and Pre-Service Training in Malawi.  Staging will be March 5, likely in Philadelphia, and reporting instructions will go out to you via email.

 I can attest firsthand that staff is already busily preparing for your arrival and looking forward to meeting and working with you all.  I am working with them and with Volunteers to help make your transition to life as a Trainee and—eventually—Volunteer in Malawi in as integrated, helpful, and professional as possible.  We will soon set you up with some means to contact current Volunteers as resources.  With those interactions, communications from me, and other further information/resources, you should gain a better knowledge on how to approach training and service.  There will even be more packing suggestions straight from the field.

 I promise that my communication with you, both directly as an entire group and individually should you have any questions, will be more frequent in January and February after I have returned to Washington.”

I cannot express my feelings on how excited I really am. The time is going faster and faster. I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I accepted my invitation and I am less than 3 months away from departure. I still have so much stuff to do with very little time left.

Anyway, I’ll update my blog as I the updates come in. In the meantime, watch the video and ask yourself “How far will you go?”

Not sure if the voice is Matthew McConaughey but it sounds like him…

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