Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Counting down the days reminds me of Europe’s ‘Final Countdown’.
I really need to stop counting the days. One more week!!!!
I am more nervous of what to wear and what to bring than actually going to the motherland.
Anyway, here’s my schedule for the next 9 weeks.
Start of training: March 8, 2012
Training Schedule:
Week 1: “Survival Chichewa”
Major topics: Medical introduction and interviews, APCD interviews, Language/Cross Cultural and
Technical introduction for Malawi, Homestay preparation; Development issues in Malawi;
Weeks 2-5:
Mainly lots of Technical, Language, Cross Culture sessions with some time spent on other sessions such as security, medical, administrative, field visits, etc (you will get the final Calendar of Training Events {COTE} when you arrive at the Training Site) Some sessions will be held jointly between the Environment and Health Sectors whilst others will be Sector specific
Week 6:
Shadow and Site Visit – solo travel to visit a real live PCV and your new site!
Week 7:
Language Intensive to prepare for community integration
Week 8:
PC Policy, Safety & Security, final banking, Swearing In, Move to Sites
Swearing-In Date: May 2, 2012
1 comment
Roger Gohrband
April 11, 2012 at 7:28 PM (UTC -7) Link to this comment
We are PCT Jeff Gohrband’s grandparents who now live in TN, (for two and one half years) after 43 years in Midland, MI, where Jeff’s parents grew up… We are interested in following your blog and to see/hear your perspective on life in Malawi with the PC.
Thanks, Roger & Jinny