

Mar 07 2012

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On My Way to Staging (Philly)

This is where the bitter sweet fun begins. I am sad that I am leaving but I am glad that I am finally going to be able to go and fulfill my life’s calling.

Let me pick up from where I left in my previous post. I talked about my luggage. Well, after I finally packed everything. My luggage came out to more than 60lbs each. I was over 20lbs per South African airways limit and 40lbs over Peace Corps baggage limit. So I had to take out the following:
– 2 bottles of shampoo
– towel
– hiking bag (camelbak)
– Frying pan
– a bottle of lotion
– a bunch of shirts

So after taking those out. I couldn’t take anymore out! I weighed them again and it came out to 56lbs each! Aaaahhhh. This was the most diffucult part for me. I’d rather have a tooth pulled than go throught that again!… Not really lol. I decided to just pay for the fees. It’s 4am and I have to wake up in an hour! I closed everything and just go!

I am not going to talk about the crying part but I did cry 🙁

5:40am – my dad and bro took me to the airport. Checked in and paid $60. It would have been per bag. I had to use my sweet talking skills to let the other bag slide. It worked! Haha.

6:00am – my bro and I hung out until 6:20am. The line at the gates were getting pretty long. I stood in line for about 13 mins and I can hear the PA system calling all passengers for flight so and so to head to the gate and board the plane. I only have 10 mins left and I was still standing in line to get through security. There was probably 50 people ahead of me.

6:35am – I finally gathered enough courage to ask people in front of me if I could cut in line so I can make it to my flight. They were nice enough to let me through. By the time I got through security, I only had 2 mins left. My gate was pretty far so I grabbed my belt, shoes, bags(2) and ran and ran and ran.

6:39am – I made it at the gate with only a minute left. Whew!!! I was so sweating like RKelly sitting in a girl’s scout meeting! I was drenched in sweat like Patrick Ewing in a free throw line with only a few seconds left. Well, you get the point. Haha

Fast forward to arriving in Philly. I met with 2 other volunteers and took the shuttle to the hotel, motel, holiday inn…say what?

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Permanent link to this article: http://peacecorps.jmephotographie.com/2012/03/on-my-way-to-staging-philly/

1 comment

  1. Marisa

    What, no new update since getting to Malawi? I can’t believe they keep you busier in the Peace Corps than Jai does in BI. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your letter to the Peace Corps!


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