I’m going to Malawi! Where is Malawi? AFRICA!!!!
I leave for staging on March 5, 2012 and will be leaving for Malawi on March 7, 2012. For the first three months, volunteers will receive all kinds of trainings. i.e. language, culture, technical, etc. The volunteers will also be living with a host family while in training. However, once the volunteers officially become Peace Corps Volunteers, they have the option to live on their own or continue living with their host family.
I will be working as a Community Health Advisor in a Community Health and HIV and AIDS program. I am very excited for this opportunity and I cannot wait to become a Peace Corps Trainee (PST). I have never heard of Malawi prior to getting my assignment so I am now learning about it. Peace Corps provides a welcome book that has over 100 pages that answers most questions that I might have. Just to give you an idea of where it is, it’s between Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique. It’s probably easier if I show it on the map so here it is:
1 comment
December 8, 2011 at 8:07 AM (UTC -7) Link to this comment
Hey!! Nice blog! I was searching the internet for people who have been accepted to the Peace Corps around the same time and I stumbled across your blog. I am going to Malawi at this same time, with the same assignment. I’d love to hear what your concerns, excitements, questions are if you would want to email me.